New crime ‘hotline’ is a possibility in New Zealand

  • 26 February, 2009
  • Bravery
  • Medals
  • Philanthropy

The British billionaire who put up the reward money for Waiouru’s stolen war medals is back in New Zealand to discuss setting up a new crime tip-off line.

Lord Michael Ashcroft helped set up the 24-hour Crimestoppers phone line in the United Kingdom 20 years ago.

He told Nine to Noon on Thursday he would like to see a similar scheme created in New Zealand, as a way for people with information about crime to pass it on without having to disclose their name or identity.

Lord Ashcroft says since Crimestoppers UK was launched it has helped secure some 90,000 arrests in Britain. Rewards are offered in many cases, he says.

Lord Ashcroft expects most of the funding would come from local donors but would be happy to make a contribution if required.

He was meeting Police Commissioner Howard Broad and Police Minister Judith Collins on Thursday.

Listen to Lord Ashcroft on Nine to Noon:

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