Royal Humane Society

Recognising the bravery of men, women and children who have saved, or tried to save, someone else’s life.

Lord Ashcroft is a Life Governor of the Royal Humane Society. As part of his role, he has made substantial donations to the society’s work. The society is a charity that grants awards for acts of bravery in the saving of human life and also for the restoration of life by resuscitation.

The society was founded in London in 1774 by two eminent medical men, William Hawes and Thomas Cogan, who were keen to promote techniques of resuscitation. It became apparent that people were putting their own lives in danger rescuing others and awards were given in recognition of these acts of bravery. Since its foundation, the Royal Humane Society’s committee has reviewed over 88,000 cases and made well over 200,000 awards.

Lord Ashcroft has championed bravery for more than three decades, with his collection of gallantry medals, his seven books on valour in the “Heroes” series, through lecturing about courage and through his philanthropy towards numerous charities championing bravery, including the Royal Humane Society.

The Royal Humane Society awards medals, testimonials and certificates for acts of bravery in the saving of human life and for effecting successful resuscitations. These various awards are presented throughout the year with no limit to the number given. All awards can be made posthumously.

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